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Cidet – A distance training for teachers of the future

Oct 15, 2020
Escrito por: Rectory
Cidet – A distance training for teachers of the future

The health situation caused by Covid-19 has led to the closure of institutions but not educational processes, forcing the institutions to take up a challenge of educating from a distance. 

However, at the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional the remote access to educational objects has been reinforced since 2014 with the creation of the Center for Educational and Technological Innovation and Development –Cidet–, which deals with academic, institutional and outreach issues.

A six-expertise team, including a coordinator, an engineer who coordinates technological activities, a web developer, a graphic designer, a scriptwriter-and- proofreader, and an audiovisual producer, Cidet generates customized technological developments according to the particular needs of different divisions of the University.

Currently, there are 1300 virtual courses given through the Moodle of the UPN, so this center may provide technical support and training to teachers and students who are part of these in addition to an offer of training in topics, such as artificial intelligence, office and digital tools.

Regarding this issue, Dario Redondo, graduated of the Specialization in Information Technologies Applied to Education –ETIAE–, states that challenge is “…to be able to face the variety of technological prospects available to teachers and students in relation to training methodologies from a virtual perspective in our context.”

During this emergency, the Graduate Center and Cidet have joined forces to give talks via YouTube Live on Tuesdays and Thursdays on issues related to a distance teaching, and its members have taken on the challenge of responding to more than 70 concerns by students and teachers every day about the use of the various digital tools being used.

Training sessions, virtual assessments, generation of digital tools, videos for learning, online transmissions, among others, currently there are some of the fundamental tasks with which Cidet contributes to the university community.

Professor Carlos López, who in charge of this center, thinks that "the gathering between education and technology is not only about tools, it is a possibility for transformation of the ways of inhabiting the world.”

Cidet and the UPN are working hard to ensure that future teachers have a ICTs-based quality education, understanding the context of our students and the requirements of these times.