Address: Carrera 16A No. 79-08, Cuarto piso
Bogotá D.C, Colombia - Sur América
Schedule: Monday-Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM - Continuous Working Day
Phone: (57-1) 594 1894 Ext. 401
Fax: (57-1) 594 1894 Ext. 411
The University Management Vice-Rector's Office has the strengthening of its academic nature as a main purpose from development and implementation of Institutional projects aimed at the collective construction of knowledge from research processes and community outreach.
From this comprehensive perspective and long-lasting relationship with faculties and departments, the Vice-Rector’s Office focuses its handling in order to enhance the academic, research and cultural processes, both curriculum and those projects developed at national, regional or local level through research, extension issues and community outreach processes.
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (UPN) develops human beings as teachers, education professionals and educational performers to serve our Nation and the World. UPN researches, generates and disseminates educational, pedagogical, didactical and professional teaching knowledge, and contributes to the public policymaking of education. UPN bases its action upon education of children, youth and adults from their heterogeneity with a global awareness, seeking identity and national development.
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional will be recognized as an educational community of highly intellectual, scientific, ethical and aesthetic level by the Nation and the State for training teachers and educational performers, who will be able to understand and change their context; leader to value socially the teaching role and a generation of educational and pedagogical knowledge relevant to historical, political, social, cultural and environmental status at local, regional, national, Latin American and global levels; committed to generation of critical educational thought and training of citizens conscious of their commitment for the Nation's future.
- Strengthen the teaching nature of the University and its leadership to train teachers, the development of educational knowledge, and the professional status of the teacher.
- Help to the construction and innovation of educational, teaching and training knowledge, by strengthening Institutional academic processes of teaching, research, extension and welfare issues.
- Strengthen the national and international status of the University by generating and participation into academic and research scenarios.
- Promote the strengthening of a wellness culture and an organizational climate, which adopts people and their life projects as basis of academic and administrative management of the University.
- Strengthen Institutional development and growth and planning practices to enhance as an organization that performs academic achievement through right and effective management of their physical, administrative and financial resources.
Vice-Rector’s Office Functions
The University Management Vice-Rector’s Office has been designed Institutionally as a command and support division to manage, develop and implement policies resulting from the Higher and Academic Councils regarding to processes of advisory, extension issues, community outreach and research project management. Our accountabilities involve:
- Co-ordinate and promote activities required to create and maintain a participation climate of the University life by all members of the Institution.
- Plan, implement and monitor the activities of external advice, extension issues and research projects management.
- Get external financial resources to manage academic and administrative processes and achieve results derived from projects developed at the University.
- Evaluate the results and impact of University management upon services provided by the Institution.
- Propose the required actions involving the development of a sound University management and administration system.
- And other functions as their respective governance or Rector’s Office might assign according to the relevant status.
Vice-Rector’s Functions
The current Institutional function demands that University Management Vice-Rector develops, co-ordinates and promotes activities aimed at University growth through research, extension issues and community outreach, as follows:
- Develop efforts related to services and advice offered by the University to the national education community.
- Foster, encourage, promote and disseminate extension programs offered by the University in order to improve the achievement of own resources for programs, projects and actions development aimed at fulfilling the mission and Institutional objectives.
- Establish performance indicators to assess the results of the various programs and projects by the University and its real impact upon the educational community and society.
- Manage external financial resources for management and development of academic and administrative processes, as well as results of University programs and projects.
- Promote and contribute to the creation and consolidation of scientific communities at the Institutional level, as well as diffusion and dissemination in order to be recognized by national and international scientific community.
- Advice the Institutional Relations Office for signing agreements and contracts with other national or foreign Institutions, which could result in income or academic or research benefits for the University.