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Institutional mail


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University Governance

General Secretariat


Address: Calle 72 No. 11-86, Edificio P, Segundo Piso 
Bogotá D.C, Colombia- Sur América 
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM - Continuous working day.
Phone: (57-1) 594 1894 Ext 116
Email: secretaria.general@pedagogica.edu.co

The General Secretariat is a coordination and support division in charge of administrative management duties and functions for development of institutional policies.

Among duties and functions include the following:

- Administrative and executive organization of issues pertaining to the University and Academic Councils.
- Organizing processes to elect and appoint Rector; Deans, Heads of Departments; and Representatives of Students, Alumni, Professors and Academic Directives to the various collegiate bodies.
- Attesting actions by governing bodies.
- Disclosing decisions and actions by management bodies.
- Providing assistance and monitoring of requests and complaints system.

 The General Secretariat invites you to contact us to make a Plaint or Complaint by any action or omission by officers of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.



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