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Omar David Bernal: scientific illustration with social projection

Oct 7, 2020
Escrito por: Sonia Zamora
Omar David Bernal: scientific illustration with social projection

Omar David Bernal has a degree in visual arts from the National Pedagogical University since 2012. He entered the UPN in 2007 but it was in his eighth semester of study that through an elective subject he began to discover his interest in illustrating nature.

Throughout his professional career he has illustrated birds, insects, plants, especially begonias and butterflies, among other things, since he discovered in drawing a way to learn and teach about nature, but above all a vehicle to make others fall in love with this.

His knowledge of scientific and naturalistic illustration is widely related to his interest in science and aesthetics, which has led him to work for different experts in botany, entomology, and ornithology.

Professor at the Minuto de Dios University, illustrator for the Humedales Foundation, for the National Museum, for the Botanical Garden of Bogotá, for the Institute of Natural Sciences of the National University of Colombia and for the Museum of Natural History of the University of Los Andes. These have been some of the tasks performed by Bernal during 8 years of professional practice, during which time he has assumed his teaching role with total passion and dedication to service.

And it is that for Omar being a teacher is born, emerges, fills the interior to inspire others, which turns this job into a service to society, because in his concept, more than teaching, it is about training new generations.

From the moment in which, while at the University, he began to draw specimens of butterflies that he himself collected, he understood that one of the greatest challenges of the academy is to link personal interests with pedagogical practice, because precisely for him it is necessary to have the objective of bring any knowledge from the highest to the most common language.

The Universidad Pedagógica Nacional represented for Omar the interesting possibility of being interdisciplinary, of relating to other fields of knowledge, of dialoguing with others, which led him to understand that it is essential not to fear new ideas.